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May 20, 2020

Thompson Statement on Trump’s Election Misinformation Threats

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement in response to tweets from President Trump lying about voter fraud and threatening to withhold federal funding for Michigan and Nevada if the states moved forward in expanding vote by mail.

“This is misinformation, plain and simple.  Apparently, the President does not understand how our democracy works and thinks he can inappropriately interfere in the election as he pleases.  Election officials in Michigan and Nevada, and thousands more across the country, are working hard to make 2020 elections safe and secure during a nationwide pandemic. 

“We need more days and ways to vote this year to make the 2020 election safe and secure.  The November elections will not look like any other in American history, so I applaud the work of Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D) and Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske (R) for leading in election administration and making safe and accessible elections possible under these unprecedented circumstances.

“To see President Trump threaten funding to these States is unconscionable and undemocratic.  What states need now more than ever is not top-down misinformation, but resources and support from the Federal government.  This is why I will continue to fight for state and local cybersecurity grants and election security funding in the HEROES Act.”

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